Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Mrs McFee's colourful hats

This week we have been reading all about Mrs Mcfee and her walks in Pickwick Park.  She loves to wear colourful hats to the park but there is a problem...cheeky magpies are nesting and they love colourful hats to add to their nests.  Silly Mrs Mcfee misses the warning signs and the magpies SWOOP to snatch her hat, more than once! 

After reading this funny story we decided to make our own colourful hats.  Lucky for us there were no swooping magpies to snatch our hats!


As a special treat Mrs O'Leary baked some cupcakes, then we decorated them!

Then we...ate them!


We have been learning about shapes.  
We went outside to explore our school environment to see how many shapes we could find.
Check out the photos!
We found a triangle on the top court

We found circle logs

Nikita found rectangles

Hayley found squares

Alex found a circle

Lots of different shapes here

A triangle frame

The fence is full of squares, or are they diamonds?

Xavier noticed the middle of this flower was a circle

Can you spot the circles?

Mia in the middle circle of the web

Malisha found a lot of rectangles

Look at all the tiny shapes!

Shapes on shoes!

The drain is a circle

Another circle, what shapes are the shadows?
Who knew there were so many shapes around Redwood School?

Monday, 8 December 2014

Kiwi/Tui Redwood bushwalk

Today Room 7 went on a bushwalk.  
We packed our bags, made sure we had our sunhats, good walking shoes and our drink bottles.  
We left from school in one big long line.  
Check out the photos!
Lined up with our buddies ready to go!

Uphill was hard work

Ready for a snack and a rest

Into the bush

Silver fern...

Our super sensible line leaders

There were a lot of steps!

Perfect spot for a rest

Down we go

Ethan swinging from a vine

We did it!
What a great time.  
Thank you to all our extra helpers today, you deserve a cup of tea and a lie down after that!

Back at school we had an icy treat
