Wednesday, 19 February 2014

100 days of school

Our 100 days of school board

Our paper chain at day 13... how long will it be by day 100?

Room 7 treaty

Here is the class treaty we have worked on during the first few weeks of term.  The children were asked to come up things they felt are important for Room 7 to run smoothly and for lots of learning to take place.  They did a great job! We revisit our treaty often as a reminder of our expectations of each other. 

As our class grows we may need to add or refine some of these expectations and values.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Room 7 class information

Welcome to Room 7.  I’m Emma O’Leary and I’m looking forward to a full-on, fun year with your child.  This year will be my first full year teaching as I completed my teaching studies in 2012.  I am therefore a Provisionally registered teacher (PRT) which means I have one day a week released from the classroom.  On Wednesday’s the Room 7 classroom teacher will be Michelle Morpeth.  Michelle is a highly experienced teacher and a long term member of the Redwood school teaching team.  I feel very lucky to have her in my classroom for one day each week.  

I have outlined below a little information that I hope will help your child settle into school.

The school day begins at 8:55 a.m. It is important your child is given time before the bell to settle in to the class, unpack their book bag, etc, and have time to interact with others in the class.
Generally, we will spend our mornings focusing on the Numeracy and Literacy Programmes; Number Knowledge, Handwriting, Story Writing, Shared and Group Reading and Phonics. During the week we fit in other activities such as Topic, PMP, Singing, Library, Buddy Class and Assembly.
Please make sure your child is in sensible shoes that they can manage themselves. They will be doing lots of physical activity. For our PMP programme in the school hall they are in bare feet. They will need to be able to put their shoes and socks on themselves after.
Book bags
Book bags need to come to school every day. It is our school policy that all reading and library books go home in book bags - no book bag, no books. They will also bring their poetry books and notices home in book bags. It is a good idea to check book bags for notices regularly.
It is expected that reading will be done daily at home. This is really important as it reinforces what we are doing in class each day. We aim to have a reading book each day Monday through to Thursday. Sign off in the reading notebook and feel free to add any notes or communications to me in this notebook as well.
By the end of the week there will be up to 4 readers in your child’s book bag. Your child may like to read some stories during the weekend.
Poetry Books
We will focus on a poem each week, and this will come home on Fridays in the Poetry Book. Please share and enjoy the poems over the weekend and then return the Poetry Book in the book bag on Mondays.
We go to the school library on Thursdays. Children are allowed to get two picture books out and they may keep them for up to two weeks. When they have finished with their books they can go into our class library box ready to be returned.
We try to encourage healthy lunches. You can support us by NOT sending lollies, fizzy drinks or chocolate in your child’s lunch box. We break for lunch at 12:25p.m. The children are expected to sit and eat for 10 minutes – supervised by the classroom teacher. We have removed outside rubbish bins and the children are to bring their lunch rubbish home with them. This gives you a good idea of what is being eaten.
Parent Helpers
I would like to have parent helpers for our Library session that is every Thursday afternoon from 2:15 - 2:50 I will also need some parent help putting reading books away which can be done on any day of the week at a time that suits. If either of these jobs appeals please let me know. 

Room 7 has its own Blog. You can access our Blog through the Redwood School Website.  It has a range of posts displaying children’s work and activities they have been, or are involved in.  
I hope that this information is useful for you.  I am available for brief chats, before and after school (although Monday and Wednesday afternoons I have meetings).  If you would like to talk in more detail, we can make a time to meet, or if you wish to contact me via email you can reach me at


Emma O’Leary
Classroom teacher Room 7

Saturday, 1 February 2014


Welcome to 2014!

I hope you have had an enjoyable summer and are feeling excited about beginning a new school year.
Over the break I have spent time with my family in different parts of New Zealand, enjoying the sun and having heaps of fun.  I am looking forward to meeting the new faces to room 7 and getting re-acquainted with those of you I had the pleasure to teach last year.


Emma O'Leary