Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Mrs Arlidge's visit

Room 7 were lucky to have Mrs Arlidge come and talk with us and show us some WW1 artifacts.

We have been learning about how people communicated 100 years ago.  
Mrs Arlidge showed us a collection of WW1 postcards.  
She showed us her favourites.  
They had messages printed on them, some were embroidered with beautiful pictures and some were photos that had been turned into postcards.

We learned about a medical soldier called David Richie.  Mrs Arlidge showed us his medals, his pay book and a telescope he used to find injured soldiers in WW1.

We were shown some of the equipment soldiers wore.

Sydney tried on a Sam Browne belt.  This held a soldiers pistol and sword.
Ritz tried on a soldiers 'webbing'.  This held a first-aid kit, rifle cleaning kit, bullets, food and two water bottles.  "It is quite heavy" said Ritz
Mitchell wore a soldiers 'great coat'.  We learned that soldiers left the back buttons open so they could ride comfortably on their horses.
Princess Mary sent the soldiers a Christmas present, a gold box full of chocolates and a postcard with photos of the king and queen and their family.  

The helmet was very heavy, hard and rough.

Sion wears a 'lemon squeezer' hat and Lily a captains hat.

Everyone had the chance to try on a hat, helmet or coat.  
We learned why they were all different, and who wore what.

Thank you for sharing your special memorabilia Mrs Arlidge.  
We learned a lot of interesting facts about what life was like at war 100 years ago.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

100 days of school - update

Each day we are at school we add a link to our paper chain.  
Today we measured our chain outside.  
There are 78 links in our chain.
WOW it is long!

Our chain is a lot longer than the slide

It reaches almost to the end of the monkey bars!

It touches the ground and then some!

We can all hold part of our paper chain!

We are still wondering how long it will be on day 100?
Not too long to go now!