Monday, 21 March 2016

Discovery time - working together and taking turns

The activities were chosen to promote the Key Competencies of relating to others and managing self.
Bowling to promote turn taking and working as a team to decide who would set up and who would be the bowler

The scooter boards were popular - but there are only two.  The children did a great job waiting in line and having one turn around the course.

Working together to complete a picture

Deciding who would be the shopkeeper - taking turns

Working together to complete a puzzle

Working together to complete a picture retelling Incy Wincy Spider.

Great teamwork girls - you worked really hard today!


In maths today the children worked together to create and continue sequential pattern.
The problem:
In a class there are 20 students. They are wearing jerseys of 3 different colours – blue, green, and red. The class was lined up in a way that the pattern of jerseys was:
blue, blue, green, green, red, blue, blue, green, green, red...
Each group had a set of jersey to create the pattern.  Once they had created the pattern and answered questions they were asked to create their own sequential pattern.


Thursday, 3 March 2016

Kiwi and Tui assembly

Today room 7 hosted our Kiwi and Tui assembly.  
We showed our 'baby' portraits and read our stories all about what we could do when we were babies and what we can do now that we are bigger.
Well done room 7!