Saturday, 27 August 2016

"What is that...?"

As a writing prompt Mrs O'Leary brought into class some interesting looking things.  
We got to touch them and smell them and have a very close look at them.
We wrote a description and then guessed what they could be.
What do you think?

Here is some of our writing:

We are looking and trying to guess what Mrs O'Leary bought to Room 7.  We smelled it.  It smelled like soap. It was fluffy.  I think it is bunny ears.
Written by Hannah

That thing felt wet and wierd.  Then we had to smell it.  It smelled gross and bad.  I think it is a bat.
Written by Tremayne

This thing is weird.  I think that it is kiwifruit.  It is wet inside and fluffy outside.
Written by Macy

We are looking and smelling to try to guess what the fluffy thing is.  It is fluffy on one side and on the other side it is brown.  Also we don't know what it is.  I guess it is a cat because it has pointy ears.
Written by Olivia

Here is a clue:
Magnolia trees are beautiful this time of year...

Can you spot them?
 Image result for magnolia flower opening

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